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Monday, February 28, 2011

Fabrications in Fazail E Amal

Research: Muhaqqiq Khali Ahmed Rana [ May Allah preserve him]

English Translation with edition: Abdullah Chisti Sabri

Deobandis have done it again!

Fazaile Amal is a book used by  Tableeghi Jamat which is the propogation  wing of Deobandi sect. This book was was written by  Shaykh Zakariya Kandhalvee al deobandi( died 1402 AH). The original name of the book was Tablighi Nisab. This book has different sections like Fazile Namaz (salah), Fazile durood, Fazile Hajj etc.

 Later , deobandis renamed the book as ‘Fazaile Amal”. 

Under the chapter of Fazaile e Namaz ( Virtues of Salah), Shaykh Zakriya  al Deobandi writes  at the end of the chapter

Tafsir Balaghatul Hairan

The Muhaddith and the Mufassir of the Deobandi sect, Shyakh Husain Ali Wan Bhachrani was a student  of Shaykh Rashid Gangohi ( Imam Rabbani of deobandis).

Shaykh Husain Ali wrote a Tafsir of the quran with the name bulgahtul hairan.

In this Tafisr he writes that he saw prophet ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) walking with him over bridge over Hell ( Pul sirath) . The prophet ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) was about to fall from this bridge , but this Deobandi “shaykh” saved our prophet!