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Friday, August 12, 2011

Deobandi Book In UK

All praise is for Allah, Lord of all the worlds, and blessings and peace upon His servant Sayyiduna Muhammad (sall-Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), upon his family, his companions and those who follow them for the best until the Day of the judgment.
Recently , a brother from UK informed me about THE life & miracles OF HAZRAT SHAIKH MOOSAJI MEHTER TADKESHWARI” a book whose foreward is written by Yusuf Motala, principal of Darul Uloom Al-Arabiyyah Al-Islamiyyah, Bury, U.K.. This book is read by the Deobandis of UK to purify their internal state and join sufi chain.

Deobandi Writing And Beliefs (against one another)

Their writings and their belief

The well known Deobandi scholar ( Mawlana Mnazoor Nomani)who used to participate in many debates against Sunni Muslims writes :

“We should see these “so called muslims” who are grave worshippers and Tazia worshippers. Shaitan has put these “Mushrikana” acts in their hearts that they are not willing to listen to the teachings of Quran and Hadith”.